Kabarak University is a private chartered institution of higher learning that provides holistic Christian-based quality education, training, research, and outreach activities for the service of God and humanity.

The all-encompassing mission of Tunaweza Kimuziki is to reinforce the importance of organic music making by encouraging music teachers and students to pursue their musical studies. Dr. Shitandi is a founding member and ongoing team leader of Tunaweza Kimuziki.

Holy Cross Catholic Church helps to bring Christ’s message of love and hope and directs efforts at breaking structures that demean human dignity. The Holy Cross Parish in Dandora includes the St. James Nursery and Primary School, the Brother André Dispensary and a variety of youth programs.

MUZIKI 4 Kenya aspires to bring quality music education and performance opportunities to people in Kenya by means of providing musical instruments, music equipment, printed music and--periodically--music teaching personnel.

The Utafiti Foundation has among its core objectives: To raise, mobilize and utilize all appropriate resources including human and financial aid, for charitable purposes and for the promotion of the objectives of the Foundation. To assist in the organization of seminars, conferences, courses, festivals, networking and workshops or other educational arrangements for raising awareness in art-based fields and production. To organize competitions in Art-based fields upon which talent will be identified, nurtured and appreciated. To establish an Information Centre for Technology for provision of access to Internet facilities, online journals, encyclopaedias, and computer services.

Kenyatta University Department of Music and Dance belongs to the School of Visual and Performing Arts in prestigious Kenyatta University (KU). The University's missions are: to be dynamic; to be an inclusive and competitive centre of excellence in teaching, learning, research, and service to humanity; to provide quality education and training; to promote scholarship, service, innovation, and creativity; and to inculcate moral values for sustainable individual and societal development.